As a parent myself who also runs my own business, I’m not going to lie, my heart sank when the third (and hopefully final) lockdown was announced.

Running a business is hard enough, but when kids are thrown in the mix, it becomes another level.  Most workers and business owners are now plunged into another balancing act of doing your day job efficiently and educating their children.

Employers need to sympathetic to employees needs during this time, they need to demonstrate flexibility.  The hours an employee usually works may have to flex around their child’s education. The 9-5 has suddenly gone out the window and indeed also, a full day working week.

So, as business owners and employees juggle through this period of Lockdown, Pride In People has put together a few tips to help you make homeschooling a little easier.

Routine Is Vital

Set that alarm and get yourself and your kids up every day. Routine is vital. It is easy for kids to think they are ‘not in school’ but setting timings will ensure they see the home as a place to learn too. Stick to it, and ensure you stick to a bedtime too for both yourself and your kids.

Study Space

If you have the room create a clear area to study and make sure (if possible) that is separate from your work area. Also create a separate play area for once school has finished, such as a spare bedroom. Somewhere the kids can go to let you catch up on work.

Get Dressed

Yes, we have all been guilty over the past year of sitting in our PJs all day and not bothering to get properly dressed. But it is important that you and the kids get dressed for school and work to create that occasion and divide relaxing and work.

Structure The Day

Sounds obvious, but structure is the first thing to slip if it isn’t stuck too. So ensure you have teaching time, a lunch break, daily walk and play time. Just as your children would do on a normal day.


Ensure both you and your kids take some exercise every day. An hours walk around the park at lunchtime or even a brisk run around where you live. Exercise is vital to split up the day and it makes you feel good too.


Set aside breaks for your kids. Ensure they are allowed to watch TV or play on their IPADS at specific times throughout the day so they have something to focus their mind as they get through their schoolwork – and to ensure you have a break!

And Finally.

Don’t be tempted to hit the booze! 😉